7 Tips for Working on Your Business (in the new year)

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

It's a tough pill to swallow -

When we realize that what we said we would never do in our own businesses is happening - being reactive, serving the day to day. It's an easy habit to create and an extremely hard one to break. But, there are simple steps you can take to manage even a little bit of the chaos that not ‘working on’ your business has created. And, a few dedicated ones - that really help make the difference in how you are operating, and that put some balance back. The good news is, these steps apply to the industry you’re in. How do I know? Because they apply to any industry. Curious what those steps are? See Below.

Let’s start with a few that should happen at the start of every year (at least). And then, at the beginning of Q2, I’ll create another list for you!

1. Digital Clean-Up - emails, documents, photos - all the things that live on your computer and phone! 

Schedule a block of time to purge what is no longer relevant, organize what is relevant for the next calendar year of business, and list what is missing/needs to be updated.

*You can also set a weekly alarm to spend 30-45 min a week until its complete


Because when you own a business, year after year, the amount of everything will be double from the calendar year before - at least. This is not efficient, doesn’t help us perform better, and in fact, does the opposite. There is enough chaos going on when you own a business - make your computer and phone something that supports your business and not something that adds more stress.

*Plus, you never know what gems are in there! New business idea you shelved, service idea you shelved? Who knows, but you should find out.

2. Review Current Services + Product Offerings

This one is just what it sounds like!


Because I'm sure, something has evolved or shifted. Whether in the offering itself, in the backend - client flow (including retention plan), admin needs, etc. I see this a lot - clients digging into ‘sent emails’ or old conversations trying to find the most recent info they sent out about a current product because either their contracts, website, or email scripts (or all 3) aren’t up to date. This slows us down, slows our marketing efforts, and adds stress.

Which brings me to my next -

3. Perform a Digital Audit - on all platforms (website, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn - anywhere you are live online)

I can’t tell you how many times I have been engaged with a client, and only their instagram or website is up to date - but they are live on so many other platforms.


Because your potential clients have looked, they have noticed, and some might not have reached out because of it. Break the cycle.

Take an afternoon and comb through all of your platforms’ bios + general info, service offerings, write-ups, online pricing, and everything else that should be the same no matter where a new client might discover you.

*And then once everything is up to date, send your info out to your network to remind them what you are offering this year

4. Retention

It’s been a big year for everyone. Whether you are the client or the service/product provider, doing business this year with someone just had a different feel to it. There was a lot of trust that happened, changes that happened, and in some cases, financial strain. This meant the people choosing to hire with you, or purchase from you, probably made a really intentional decision. 

Have you thanked them specifically?

And, I’m not just talking about the emailer that went to the entire email list at Christmas and New Year. I am talking about a little note to those closest, that made an impact when you were engaged with them. That really showed appreciation for all you were able to do for them, not knowing that they are the reason you are doing what you do. Maybe tell them, it’s not too late.

5. Testimonials + Reviews - VOC is one of the most essential parts of a business  

People seeking to hire you, want to hear from people who already have. Plain and simple. Yea, your website copy may paint a wonderful picture, but this is the information people really want. Wrap Up Surveys completed by your clients, should already be a part of your client flow - however, if they aren’t - don’t panic. Just ask.

*But then go back after, and make Wrap Up Surveys a thing in your business!

But how do I ask?

Great question. Your clients, if you have done the job I think you have, want to help - all you have to do is ask. Draft an email explaining that you need their help and that you are trying to increase your online presence in that area. Don’t forget to hyperlink your Google Listing Review and Facebook Review links in the email.

*If your client has given you a testimonial, include that as well so they can copy and paste it. 

*If you don’t have a testimonial, that's okay - you can ask them to write 2-3 sentences about the impact your service made on their business.

Don’t be scared - remember the ‘big year’ part from tip #4, those people who did trust to hire or buy from you - I’m sure would love an opportunity to share their experience to help another potential buyer, and you.

6. Review Dues + Subscriptions

I remind clients at the start of every year to go through their on-going expenses - and really highlight this area.


Especially this past year, the landscape of most peoples businesses changed.

So do you need every program, software, etc that you are currently paying for?

Does one of the ones you are using, now offer to do other things you are also paying for?

Did something come out that can help you automate, and house a few programs you are paying for separately? 

Spend some time here.

 7. Standing Weekly Meeting - that's right, even if you are a solopreneur!

This might sound ridiculous but I promise you the most successful people you know are. 


This is the time to review any issues, what momentum you have towards your goals, and to keep yourself accountable in your KPIs (daily tasks/goals) you have goaled out per role - especially sales + marketing, etc. 

The key to getting started with working on your business lies here. If each week you are coming up blank in these areas then it won’t be so easy to ignore. Don’t get me wrong, this will be frustrating in most cases, but it's where change starts.

There are so many more pieces that fall into business development obviously - but even just start here. Set yourself up for success. Schedule dedicated time each month to work on your business, to set your goals, to allow the creative juices to flow, etc - This will keep the spark alive!

Too much?

Business doesn’t have to be a solo endeavour - see services HERE. Start the year off with a clear plan in place, and the tools and structure in place to stay on track. Email me today for your free consultation, and let's get started! Go into the new year set up for success and all areas of the business! You deserve it.

— Kelly MacLellan

Kelly MacLellan

At Rowan, we build businesses thoughtfully; in a way that honours the owners, employees, and the clients that they serve. Empowering creatives and entrepreneurs, like you, to operate businesses with boundaries and systems that allow them to be part of something they love and feel good about.


Utilizing Your Network


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